Interested in enrolling in Niles Virtual School?
Full time options - for any student in Michigan. This is a schooling-at-home option that includes core and non-core classes. Niles Virtual School provides the curriculum, and a mentor teacher. Parents oversee their student at home.
Part time options - for any full-time student in the Niles school district /or / any home schooled or some private schooled students in Michigan. This adds non-core classes (either seated or virtual) to your current education.
Full-time traditional students (students enrolled at any Niles Public School full-time)
Full-time virtual students (students enrolled in our program, Niles Virtual School, full-time)
Shared-time students (Home schooled and Private-Schooled students in Michigan enrolled in our program part-time)
Full time options - for any student in Michigan. This is a schooling-at-home option that includes core and non-core classes. Niles Virtual School provides the curriculum, and a mentor teacher. Parents oversee their student at home.
Part time options - for any full-time student in the Niles school district /or / any home schooled or some private schooled students in Michigan. This adds non-core classes (either seated or virtual) to your current education.
Full-time traditional students (students enrolled at any Niles Public School full-time)
Full-time virtual students (students enrolled in our program, Niles Virtual School, full-time)
Shared-time students (Home schooled and Private-Schooled students in Michigan enrolled in our program part-time)

Accepting Enrollments.
Full Time Enrollment
For those who desire a full time option, please use this link and scroll down to the Enrollment Packet (all grades).
Part time or Elective Enrollment
Parents will need to self-enroll in this INFORMATIONAL class called Parent Orientation 101. If they are full time Niles students choosing one of our electives, homeschoolers, or private schoolers wanting to enroll for non-essential courses.
Please copy and paste the following URL to create your free Parent Canvas account and self-enroll in the Parent Orientation Course.
Once you have clicked on this URL, it will ask you for an email address, please make sure it is an email address you check daily. Once enrolled you will receive an email, like the one pictured below, that asks you to complete your registration by creating a password.
If you experience difficulties enrolling in the course, please contact Valerie Sandoval at [email protected].
This virtual course will provide parents/guardians with the following:
* Information on how our program works
* Forms for enrolling your learners
* Tutorials on our schedule building software (GSMU)
*Tutorials on our learning management system (Canvas)
Below are our priority deadlines.
This indicates that date that each group will be given priority over others who apply to the program.
If you apply after your "priority deadline" date - you may still be accepted into the program.
Our acceptance rates depend on how many "spots" we have available.
These vary from semester to semester and can not be predicted.
Bottom Line: If you are interested in applying to the program,
click the "INFORMATIONAL COURSE" at any time!
All outlying counties in Michigan - July 1
Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren county residents - August 1
Niles residents - September 1
Full Time Enrollment
For those who desire a full time option, please use this link and scroll down to the Enrollment Packet (all grades).
Part time or Elective Enrollment
Parents will need to self-enroll in this INFORMATIONAL class called Parent Orientation 101. If they are full time Niles students choosing one of our electives, homeschoolers, or private schoolers wanting to enroll for non-essential courses.
Please copy and paste the following URL to create your free Parent Canvas account and self-enroll in the Parent Orientation Course.
Once you have clicked on this URL, it will ask you for an email address, please make sure it is an email address you check daily. Once enrolled you will receive an email, like the one pictured below, that asks you to complete your registration by creating a password.
If you experience difficulties enrolling in the course, please contact Valerie Sandoval at [email protected].
This virtual course will provide parents/guardians with the following:
* Information on how our program works
* Forms for enrolling your learners
* Tutorials on our schedule building software (GSMU)
*Tutorials on our learning management system (Canvas)
Below are our priority deadlines.
This indicates that date that each group will be given priority over others who apply to the program.
If you apply after your "priority deadline" date - you may still be accepted into the program.
Our acceptance rates depend on how many "spots" we have available.
These vary from semester to semester and can not be predicted.
Bottom Line: If you are interested in applying to the program,
click the "INFORMATIONAL COURSE" at any time!
All outlying counties in Michigan - July 1
Berrien, Cass, and Van Buren county residents - August 1
Niles residents - September 1
If you choose, you will have the opportunity inside of the INFORMATIONAL course to be placed on our registration lists.
Students will be admitted into the program as openings become available.
You can decide to decline the invitation to join at any time.
Students will be admitted into the program as openings become available.
You can decide to decline the invitation to join at any time.