Having problems logging in, please use this trouble shooter form. By working through this, you might be able to get in quicker.
CANVAS is your virtual school house. It is the computer program Niles Virtual School uses to:
In CANVAS, you will also find:
After you create your log-in for CANVAS, we encourage you to visit our "TUTORIALS" section to become familiar with Canvas.
- Communicate with students / parents
- List syllabuses and information for classes
- Provide assignments for courses
- Keep attendance
- Upload grades (for dual enrollment)
- Complete COUNT DAY requirements (very important!)
In CANVAS, you will also find:
- Your Homeroom
- Your Virtual Canvas courses
- Announcements
After you create your log-in for CANVAS, we encourage you to visit our "TUTORIALS" section to become familiar with Canvas.
Common CANVAS Questions & Answers:
How do I log into CANVAS?
You create your student's log-in name(s) and password(s) for CANVAS when you first log into GOSIGNMEUP.
Unlike GOSIGNMEUP, where you log-in as a parent and register your students for classes, in CANVAS, each student has their own log-in. There is no "parent log-in" for CANVAS.
When will my classes show up in Canvas?
Classes are "pushed" over from GoSignMeUp to Canvas after we close down registrations. This is a long process (as you can imagine!) Although some classes may be in Canvas before the school year begins, all of them will be in Canvas by the time the school year officially begins.
My classes aren't showing up on my dashboard. Can I still get to them?
Try clicking on "Courses" instead of "Dashboard". You should see your classes.
If you click on "Courses", and then "All Courses", and then you click on the star next to each of your courses,
they should show up on your dashboard.
If they do not - click on "Dashboard". There should be a gear wheel just right of the center of your screen.
If you click on this, "Card View" should be checked. If it isn't, click it.
There are classes in CANVAS that I asked to be dropped. What should I do?
If you ask for a class to be dropped in GSMU, and it has already been pushed over to Canvas, it has to be manually removed from Canvas. Please email a partnership employee to have these classes removed if they are still in Canvas.
Lost Your CANVAS log-in(s)?
1. The student username can be retrieved in GoSignMeUp from your student's registration page.
--Sign into GoSignMeUp using your parent username and password assigned to you by the Partnership.
--At the Parent Dashboard in GoSignMeUp, click on your student's first or last name.
--At the Student Registration Site, the student username is located in the Student Information box.
2. Enter the above student username on the Canvas login page.
3. Click on "Forgot Password" on the Canvas login page to follow the instructions to reset the Canvas password.
4. Write down the student username and new password and keep it in an easy to remember spot.
5. Contact Aaron Schutte if you continue to have problems and he will help.